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Resident and Nonresident Aliens: Tax Prep

Resident and Nonresident Aliens: Tax Prep

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: As a knowledgeable tax preparer, you can be an especially valuable resource for non-US citizens, since they are individuals who often have had less experience with the US tax system compared to US citizens. This contains content for both resident and nonresident aliens. However, since resident aliens are generally subject to the same tax filing rules as US citizens, we’ll look at more comprehensive content on nonresident alien filers.

2 CPE credits.

Last Revision: April 2024

$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

Schedule E: Supplemental Income

Schedule E: Supplemental Income

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Many of your clients will have supplemental income from sources like rental real estate, partnerships, trusts, estates, and royalties. How do you report that income? This course will give you a better understanding of Schedule E, as well as rental and other income sources, which income must be reported, and which losses and deductions are allowed.

Last Revision: April 2024

$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

Selling Your Home: Tax Implications

Selling Your Home: Tax Implications

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Is your client selling their home? Is the home a primary or secondary residence, a business or rental? Are there short-term or long-term gains or losses to calculate? The various rules that apply to the sale of a home are explained in this course, along with details on proposed legislation that may affect tax years 2023 and beyond.

2 CPE credits.

Last Revision: March 2024

$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

Social Security: Tax Implications

Social Security: Tax Implications

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: How did Social Security become the program that exists today? Which benefits are offered by the program? What are the implications when preparing tax returns? What are some common related financial planning considerations? This course helps tax professionals better understand the scope of the Social Security program, as well as how it affects their clients.

Revision Date: April 2024

$48.00 3 CPE Full Description

Standard and Itemized Deductions

Standard and Itemized Deductions

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Gain an overview of standard and itemized deductions, including new rules applying to the TCJA and the CARES Act. As the standard deduction is a basic deduction, most of the information in this course is centered around the different itemized deductions. Last Revision: March 2024
$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

Stock and Debt Basis for S Corporation Shareholders

Stock and Debt Basis for S Corporation Shareholders

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Why does basis matter for a shareholder in an S Corporation? The ability of the shareholder to calculate deductions involving the corporation on a personal tax return is limited by the taxpayer’s basis in the corporation. This webinar discusses how to properly document S corporation basis in order to support losses and deductions claimed on shareholder’s individual returns.

Last Revision: July 2022

$16.00 1 CPE Full Description

Taking Care of Business: Corps, S Corps, Partnerships

Taking Care of Business: Corps, S Corps, Partnerships

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: BUNDLED COURSES! So many ways to structure a business – so many tax implications. Whether your clients are a corporation, an S corp, or a partnership, we’ve got you covered. We’ll give you background on the various structures, some key tax implications, and guidance on how to complete the right forms and schedules.

Buying these three courses as a package will also save you money! Buy all three together and save $12 off the regular price!

Total of 6 CPE credits.

$84.00 6 CPE Full Description

Tax Treatment of Individual Retirement Arrangements (2023)

Tax Treatment of Individual Retirement Arrangements (2023)

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: This course examines the taxation of individual retirement arrangements (IRAs). In so doing, it discusses traditional and Roth IRAs, addressing the federal rules concerning: contribution limits and tax treatment; tax treatment of traditional IRA distributions, including regular, early and lifetime required minimum distributions; tax treatment of qualified and nonqualified Roth IRA distributions; required distributions at death; and IRA rollovers. Revision Date: April 2023
$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Proceeds

Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Proceeds

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: This course discusses the income tax treatment of death benefits and living proceeds from life insurance contracts. It considers the statutory definition of life insurance contained in Internal Revenue Code §7702 and the tax consequences of a life insurance contract’s failure to meet the definition. It also addresses the general rules governing the taxation of life insurance policy death benefit proceeds and examines the consequences of: a transfer for value; inclusion of a policy in a qualified plan; corporate-owned life insurance; and the payment of death benefits under a settlement option. The course also discusses the tax treatment of proceeds received under viatical settlements and accelerated death benefits. In addition, it considers the modified endowment contract (MEC) rules, the tax consequences of a life insurance policy’s MEC status, the tax treatment of policy loans, withdrawals and surrenders and the tax treatment of proceeds received under life settlements. Revision Date: March 2024
$48.00 3 CPE Full Description

Tax Treatment of Retirement Plans, Pensions, and Annuities

Tax Treatment of Retirement Plans, Pensions, and Annuities

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: We discuss the federal income tax treatment and limitations related to qualified employee plan contributions and distributions, as well as commercial annuity contracts. Revision Date: April 2023
$48.00 3 CPE Full Description

The § 199A Pass-Through Deduction

The § 199A Pass-Through Deduction

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), signed into law during the closing days of 2017, affects the tax planning and income tax liability for many taxpayers. Among those for whom the TCJA will have a more significant effect are business owners of pass-through trades or businesses who may be eligible for the TCJA’s pass-through deduction. The Section 199A Pass-Through Deduction course examines this deduction. Revision Date: April 2023
$48.00 3 CPE Full Description

The Future of Audits

The Future of Audits

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Are you concerned about the changing landscape of IRS audits? In this webinar, Brady Lievens with Protection Plus, a Drake Software partner, will walk you through the current trends in audits, the short-term outlook for audits, and some long-term forecasting. He will also share some insights into the psychology of audits to best help you prepare for dealing with different types of clients. We’ll also discuss some tools that are available to help you and your clients.

Last Revision: November 2022

$16.00 1 CPE Full Description

The Hidden World of Virtual Currency & Cash Intensive Businesses

The Hidden World of Virtual Currency & Cash Intensive Businesses

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: Cryptocurrency and cash businesses share some risks. How do you uncover unreported income? Learn about the different types of hidden transactions – as well as ways to help your clients accurately report their taxable income from these sources.

Last Revision: July 2022

$16.00 1 CPE Full Description

Virtual Currency

Virtual Currency

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: You are more likely than ever to encounter clients who have engaged in one or more virtual currency transactions during the year and who may have taxable income as a result. We’ll look at the nature of virtual currency and the tax implications for your clients. Last Revision: April 2023
$32.00 2 CPE Full Description

When Things Go Wrong & How to Fix It

When Things Go Wrong & How to Fix It

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: BUNDLED COURSES! Sometimes things go wrong, either by mistake or intention. In these courses you’ll learn about all the things that can go wrong with a tax return, including criminal activity. You’ll find out how to fix some of the issues. And you’ll know how to help your clients if IRS collections are necessary.

Buying these three courses as a package will also save you money! Buy all three together and save $10 off the regular price!

Total of 5 CPE credits.

$70.00 5 CPE Full Description

WISP: Privacy, Data Security, and a Written Information Security Program

WISP: Privacy, Data Security, and a Written Information Security Program

Area: Federal Tax Law

Description: To protect customers’ privacy and security safeguards, the IRS requires the creation of a written information security plan (WISP). Various issues come into play with the creation of a WISP, such as updating customers on privacy practices and providing them opt out notices as applicable. This course provides detailed information on these and other requirements.

Last Revision: March 2024

$32.00 2 CPE Full Description